Valium Addiction 101

Valium Addiction

Valium, also known as diazepam, is an antidepressant often used to treat specific physical and psychological stresses. It is primarily used in treating conditions such as anxiety disorders, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, seizures, and muscle spasms.

Valium is one of the most addictive drugs, and the side effects associated with the drug are long-lasting. Valium addiction can progress very fast, especially when it is not taken as prescribed by a doctor. When one becomes dependent on the drug, they eventually get to a point where their brain cannot function without the drug. Nonetheless, it is possible for an individual to be addicted to this powerful drug and be completely unaware of it.

It is important to note that if you take the drug for more than six weeks, you risk developing a dependency on the drug, even if you have a doctor’s prescription.

Symptoms of Valium Addiction

Just like any other addictive substance, Valium addiction has telltale signs and symptoms that you should look out for.

  1. Valium Addiction

    The need to take larger doses so that you feel the effect of the drug.

  2. Intense cravings that are difficult to ignore or satisfy with anything else other than the drug.
  3. Isolation from friends and family.
  4. Inability to enjoy activities that you enjoyed before dependency on the drug.
  5. Dropping the ball on your obligations such as work, parenting, etc.

Once an individual builds a tolerance to the drug’s effects, they will likely begin exhibiting withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop taking it. Valium withdrawal is uncomfortable and can be extremely dangerous.

The Dangers of Valium

Many people underestimate the hold Valium can have on one’s life. When not taken as prescribed, it can cause convulsions or even put the person struggling with the addiction into a coma. It also impairs judgment and increases the chance of getting into accidents when driving or working with dangerous objects.

Most individuals who suffer from Valium abuse mix it with other substances such as opioid pain meds and alcohol. These substances depress the nervous system, and when taken together with Valium, one’s heart rate and breathing can be suppressed, leading to heart failure.

Withdrawal symptoms for those trying to recover from the addiction are deadly. Some individuals have lost their lives from severe withdrawal symptoms, especially if they detox without trained physicians.

Getting Help

Valium AddictionIf you are someone you care about is struggling with Valium addiction, it is very important to help them get help as soon as possible. However, the approach you take can make a big difference between getting the help and causing them to sink further into the addiction.

There are specific steps that can be taken to ease the individual into accepting the help they need.

The first step involves staging an intervention. This involves bringing together family and friends of the individual struggling with addiction and giving them a chance to express their love and concern. Often, the individual struggling with addiction will find it easier to speak around people that they value in life.

When staging the intervention, make sure that you do it when the individual dealing with addiction is sober. Otherwise, you risk wasting time because the effects of Valium affect one’s ability to think and express themselves clearly. It is advisable to engage a professional interventionist who will help you through the process.

While interventions are good and often work, they are not guaranteed that your loved one will accept to seek help. Some people are taken through several interventions before they accept help, and that is okay because it’s important for people struggling with addiction to know that they are loved and cared for.

Diagnosing Valium Disorders

When a person becomes addicted to Valium, they develop clinical distress or impairment. However, beyond this, there are other things that physicians look out for when diagnosing addiction. An individual is possibly addicted to the drug if:

  • The individual has been taking the drug for a much more extended period than was intended.
  • The person is struggling to cut down on the drug use without success.
  • An individual spends a lot of time and energy trying to acquire the drug.
  • The person has been upping the dosage consistently over time.
  • Abstinence from the drug causes withdrawal symptoms such as sweats, shakes, low concentration, etc.

A trained physician will carry out tests such as blood tests to further determine the extent of addiction and advice on the best course of treatment.

When Should You Seek Help from Recovery Programs

Valium AddictionIf you notice that you or your loved one is taking more Valium than what has been prescribed, this is a clear indication that you are abusing the drug and, as a result, building tolerance to it. This is the best time to seek help before the dependency intensifies.

Worse still, when an individual starts taking the drug without prescriptions, this shows that they have completely lost control. Addiction causes people to disregard the law and care less about the consequences of their actions.

If you are on Valium prescribed by your physician and are concerned, you might have a problem with it. They might change your prescription or help you get the help you need to fight drug dependence.

Treatment and Recovery

There are many recovery centers where treatment is offered, and you can choose between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Your physician will advise you on the best treatment option to choose from, and they can also link you with a recovery center that is ideal for you.

Support groups are also a key part of the treatment. Going through the recovery journey with people who understand and resonate with your struggle plays a significant role in helping those suffering from Valium addiction continue fighting to stay clean.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is another common type of treatment used to help those struggling with Valium addiction understand why they are in that position. Understanding why and how you started abusing the drug can help you prevent repeating the same mistakes.

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